Horticulture, Floral Design, Conservation, and Community Service

Framingham Garden Club offers scholarships to Framingham seniors

The Framingham Garden Club, Inc. is pleased to offer scholarships to graduating seniors who will be attending a post high school program that includes either a four-year degree, a two-year degree or a certificate program. One $1500.00 scholarship (The Marian Goodman Scholarship) and at least two $1000.00 scholarships will be awarded in May 2025. These scholarships are open to residents of Framingham who will graduate from high school in June of 2025.  The Framingham Garden Club, Inc. is looking for…

FGC Senior Class Model is Adopted State-wide

Framingham Garden Club’s Senior Classes award-winning model has been adopted by the Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts as a “garden therapy” prototype for the entire state. The “Design in a Box” concept was created by Senior Class Chairs Marilyn Hanley and Pat Towle during the Covid pandemic. It has been refined as a guide for in-person classes that are led by FGC members and teams of assistants.  The FGC Senior Classes program received two high awards in 2023. The first…

Framingham Garden Club, Inc. – a feature of Framingham for 90 years

Our greatest asset continues to be our members. We meet, learn from, and work with others who enjoy gardens and flowers. Part of the club’s richness is our diversity: we have myriad interests, skill levels, and abilities – all of which contribute to the club’s overall success and enjoyment. Each year, members expand their interests, explore previously hidden talents, and form friendships, all while serving the community and the environment.

The club’s main emphases are on civic activities, education, and conservation. Each monthly meeting, September through May, features a lunch, short business meeting, and special presentation. The diverse activities of our committees reflect the different interests, concerns and time constraints of our members.

We encourage members to participate in the pursuits in which they are particularly interested. Floral arrangement, botany, horticulture, conservation, and garden design are just a few of our interests.


Our mission is education, conservation and beautification, as they relate to design, horticulture and gardening in our community.