The Framingham Garden Club, Inc. presented three copies of The Frightened Frog, by Brenda Moor and Jean Ohlmann to the Children’s Department of the Framingham Public Library on October 12, 2016.
FGC members at FPL 101216
From left to right: FPL Children’s Specialist Danielle Cersosimo, Framingham Garden Club members Natalie Mullen, Nancy Martin, Ruth Evans, Betsy Swartz, Estelle Gooltz, and FPL Assistant Director Lena Kilburn.

Published by the National Garden Clubs, Inc., the colorfully illustrated environmental tale is written from a frog’s point of view and encourages young readers to take good care of the environment. The book includes introductory pages for parents and educators, a glossary of terms, fun frog facts, and a list of how frog sounds are spoken in languages around the world.

Conservation and education are two significant segments of the work done by The Framingham Garden Club, Inc., which will be partnering with the Framingham Public Library next fall for a juried National Flower Show to be held at the Library.