The dealine for entering the annual National Garden Club’s Youth Poetry Contest is quickly approaching. All entries must be in by January 10, 2024. Submit poetry by email to

The Theme for 2022-23 is ‘”I Spy With My Little Eye, Something Green Outside – Celebrating Our Green World.” The purpose of this annual contest is to encourage young people to express their creative thoughts through different types of poetry.

Students in grades K-9th grades, English as a second language learners, and Special Needs students are eligible to enter. Students are judged against other poets at their level. The winners of the state contest will be entered in the New England Regional Competition, and those winners will be entered in the National Garden Club’s competition. Winners of the National Competition will be published by the NGC.  Framingham had one National Winner in 2023!

Poems must be submitted to the Framingham Garden Club NO LATER THAN January10h by email to

Youth Poetry 2023-24 Contest Rules and Guidelines

  •  All entries must be typed and titled.
  • Include name, address, age, grade, and school of participant on the back of entry.
  • Sponsoring garden club and state garden club name must also be identified.
  • Sponsoring garden club may be that of a grandparent.
  • All entries become the property of National Garden Clubs, Inc.
  • Poems do not have to rhyme.
  • Poems may be traditional verse, acrostics, blank verse, cinquains, diamond poems, limerick, or Haiku.
  • Special Education: Kindergarten through Ninth Grade.
  • English as a second language: Kindergarten through Ninth Grade.
  • General Education: Kindergarten through Ninth Grade.
  • No students may win 2 consecutive years.
  • The theme should not be used as the title to any poetry. When judging, the title is worth 10 points.

Scale of Points

  • Title: 10%
  • Content: 40%
  • Creativity: 30%
  • Style: 20%
  • Total: 100%