FGC welcomes all Framingham youth in grades 4 through 8 to create a sculpture out of recyclable, reused, and reduced materials and submit their creation to the National Garden Club youth sculptrue contest. This contest encourages students to keep our planet green and to get involved with saving the environment.
Photos of last year’s national winning sculptures
Contest Rules
- Children in 4th through 8th grade will be eligible to enter the contest
- Sculptures must consist of recyclable, reused and reduced materials
- Width of the sculpture can be no more than 8 1/2 x 11 inches
- Height should be in proportion to width
- Entries should include as many photographs as can be printed on the back of the entry form but two 4×6 photographs are recommended
- Club entries must be emailed to State Chairman Nancy Martin by Janauary 10, 2024 at nancymartinmailed@gmail.com
Scale of Points
- Creative use of materials and self expression: 60%
- Description of sculpture and materials used: 30%
- Craftsmanship and technique: 10%
Click to access ngc-youth-sculpture-contest-entry-form-2023.pdf