Framingham Garden Club, Inc. Scholarship Application 2025
For Students currently attending Framingham High School or Keefe Regional Technical School
These scholarships are open to residents of Framingham who will graduate from high school in June of 2024. The Framingham Garden Club, Inc. is looking for students who will be studying Environmental Sciences, Horticulture or related fields. This application is for Framingham residents who attend Framingham public schools.
Name of student applicant:
Name of high school currently attending:
College/Other Program enrolled in for the fall of 2025:
Please submit the following information:
- This Application
- Essay – On a separate sheet of paper describe in 250 words or less the ways in which you plan to fulfill educational goals. Please include in the essay the inspiration for your choice of study. Think about a person, experience or event that inspired you.
- Transcript
- List of activities and/or work experiences you participated in during your high school years
Submit the above information to your guidance office no later than Thursday, April 4, 2025. Make sure your name is on all your paper work. The application packet must be complete to be considered.
Note to guidance counselor: Please indicate that the student will have successfully completed all obligations for graduation in June 2025.