September Community Giving Garden Newsletter
FGC shines at 2023 state award ceremony
The Framingham Garden Club received high honors at the 2023 Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts annual meeting. Member Ruth Evans was named the top designer in the state with the Cindora Goldberg Award.
Our senior design classes won the top award for garden therapy – The Mrs. Ralph H. Davis Silver Bowl. …
FGC hosts Books in Bloom interpretive floral design program
FGC Members score blue ribbons and awards at NGC Flower Shows
Framingham Garden Club members have been busy entering a variety of National Garden Club Flower Shows. In July, Shannon Fitzpatrick won a blue ribbon at the Heritage Garden show for her plexiglass-based design. Minal Akkad was awarded a blue ribbon at the same show for her miniature “Rocket” design.
Ruth Evans’s clever “Sewing” design won blue at the recent Marshfield Fair NGC Show in August.
Shannon Fitzpatrick also won a blue ribbon and Grower’s Choice award for her succulent dish garden at the Heritage Garden show.…
FGC’s Meg Kelley awarded Senior Hero Award
FGC is honored and extremely happy to announce that Meg Kelley is the 2023 recipient of the Framingham Senior Hero Award in the category Social Development.
Since the spring of 2021, the Framingham Council on Aging, has chosen to honor Framingham Senior Citizens who serve as positive role models in our community. Nominations are encouraged for Framingham Seniors (60+) who have contributed significantly to the inclusivity and diversity of Framingham in one of the following categories:
- Culture/Arts
- Social Development (i.e. sports, programs recognized throughout the community to improve socialization/collaboration of various ethnic groups, youth and/or seniors)
- Health or Health Care
- Public Services
Here is a a “snippet” of Meg’s nomination…..Meg…
Getting Started – Tip Sheet
Welcome to the Framingham Garden Club’s Community Giving Garden project! Here are a few Gardening How-To’s and Tips to help you get started. Check our website frequently for additional resources and information
How to Start
As a new gardener your first question may be – how do I start? We are providing you with some items to help you get started – a starter kit – and then some tips on how you can grow even more.
For the first 50 families that have registered for the Community Giving Garden, the starter kit contains:
- A seedling, which is a very young plant grown from seed.
Starting from Seeds – Tip Sheet
You can sow seeds outdoors in a grow bag, a container with drainage, or prepared ground.
- Some seeds (for cool weather plants) can be started right away. They germinate at lower temperatures of 45 to 55 degrees F. Others need to wait until after the last frost date, which in our area is roughly May 11.
- How to know? Every seed packet has instructions on how many seeds to plant, how to space your seeds, when to plant your seeds, estimated germination time, and amount of sunlight. Read and follow this important information!
- It is particularly important to read whether your seeds need some sort of preparation before planting.
Planting from Seedlings – Tip Sheet
Seedling care before planting
- Keep your seedlings watered. Check daily. Water when the soil is dry when you stick your finger in it or if the seedling starts to droop.
- Cool weather seedlings like lettuce or mustard greens can be transplanted in April.
- If you have a tomato or pepper seedling, wait until mid-May to plant. Keep it indoors in a sunny protected spot.
- Plan to transplant seedlings to an outdoor garden or container between May 11-15. A week before, start to “harden off” your seedling, that is, gradually adjust them to the outdoors by slowly acclimating them to direct sunlight, wind, rain, and temperature fluctuations.