Framingham Garden Club Provides Resource to Elementary Schools

The Framingham Garden Club proudly donated an early reader book to each Framingham elementary school. This month, each school will add The Frightened Frog: An Environmental Tale to their school library. Written and produced by National Garden Clubs, Inc., The Frightened Frog is a resource designed to inform elementary-aged children about amphibians and the environmental issues that they face. The book includes interesting facts about frogs and the ways in which children can “Leap into Action” to help protect and preserve local amphibian habitats.

In addition to this generous donation, The Framingham Garden Club continues to support Framingham Public Schools in the form of student scholarships, teacher grants, and funding for the Patterns in Nature, Art, and History program for third graders. 

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Hastings House Senior Class – December 2016

On December 20, 2016, Framingham Garden Club members spent a lovely afternoon conducting floral/plant design and crafts workshops at Hastings House with one goal in mind – to encourage the art and joy of floral design in our senior community.


FGC member Pat Towle visits with two Hastings residents who designed some festive centerpieces at our FGC senior class in Dec. 2016. See below for more pictures from the afternoon:

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Garden Club Gives Gifts to Children

The Framingham Garden Club, Inc. presented three copies of The Frightened Frog, by Brenda Moor and Jean Ohlmann to the Children’s Department of the Framingham Public Library on October 12, 2016.
FGC members at FPL 101216
From left to right: FPL Children’s Specialist Danielle Cersosimo, Framingham Garden Club members Natalie Mullen, Nancy Martin, Ruth Evans, Betsy Swartz, Estelle Gooltz, and FPL Assistant Director Lena Kilburn.

Published by the National Garden Clubs, Inc., the colorfully illustrated environmental tale is written from a frog’s point of view and encourages young readers to take good care of the environment. The book includes introductory pages for parents and educators, a glossary of terms, fun frog facts, and a list of how frog sounds are spoken in languages around the world.…

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There is Beauty in Pruning…….

We prune plants to make them more beautiful, to encourage flowering, and to help them grow strong and healthy. Some trees and shrubs need never be pruned while others require a seasonal cutting.

Light pruning for health

Nearly all woody plants develop little problems that can lead to big diseases or unwanted growth. Careful cuts throughout the year go a long way to ensure healthier plants. Keep a quality pair of clippers in your back pocket while in the garden so you can correct these unhealthy conditions with a kindly cut.
Remove any part of the plant that looks diseased before it can spread.…

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